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« Membros do NR2 têm capítulo de livro aceito para publicação | Principal | Redes de Sensores Sem Fio Multimídia: Requisitos e Dificuldades »

Artigo do NR2 recebe *Scientific Merit Award* no I Workshop de Redes de Acesso em Banda Larga (WRA) - SBRC 2011

Data: 06/06/2011

Um Arcabouço para Autoreconfiguração Segura e Eficiente do Serviço de Roteamento em Redes Mesh”, published on the First Workshop on Broadband Access Networks (I WRA), received the *Scientific Merit Award* by the Brazilian Computer Society.
This workshop was co-located with the 29th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2011).

The co-authors of this work are Helber W. Silva, Raimir Holanda, Aldri Santos and Michele Nogueira.

Abstract: Wireless mesh networks intend to support the use of applications on different domains that require high levels of both security and performance. However, the operation of these networks can be compromised because of security vulnerabilities on wireless medium sharing and cooperative communication, which allow actions from attackers. This work proposes a framework, called SECOM, that considers security and performance capabilities to self-configuration of essential services, such as routing, in wireless mesh networks. SECOM takes into account criteria from different defense lines (preventive, reactive and tolerant) and performance criteria to adapt services efficiently even in face of attacks or intrusions. Simulation results of a path selection scheme based on SECOM to the routing service show gains on security and performance with low cost of latency under Blackhole attacks.

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