Using RSSI for distance comparisons

A simple way to obtain a value directly proportional to the RSSI of a message is editing the files ns-2.30/common/packet.h and ns-2.30/mac/

On packet.h just add a double type myRSSI variable on the class Packet. Then, add p->myRSSI = (double) Pr * 10e10 on file, as on the following piece of the code:

if(modulation_) {
hdr_cmn *hdr = HDR_CMN(p);
hdr->error() = modulation_->BitError(Pr);

* The MAC layer must be notified of the packet reception
* now - ie; when the first bit has been detected - so that
* it can properly do Collision Avoidance / Detection.
pkt_recvd = 1;
p->myRSSI = (double) Pr * 10e10;

Then you can access the rssi-like field from a Packet *p variable with p->myRSSI.